Week 8: Level 2 Design (Pt 1)

This week, I started designing Level 2, planning the shape, flow, and tested mechanics of the level. First I started out with a rough sketch on paper, then used my previously set up autotiling to make a basic skeleton of the level:

There's no mechanics, challenges or graphics (other than the base tile). I just wanted to find the shape of the level first, while also writing out lists of mechanics I want to introduce / test in each part of the level. 

I only intended to have two major zones of the level at first, but when having people test the "playground" scene I used to create the move / rotate mechanics, I got positive feedback on large puzzles in which players have to interact with triggers (switches) to move objects and progress.  I thought about this along with how I could push the setting / narrative of the story and decided to add a third level, which will feature several complex puzzles around a large hub room, where the player will solve the smaller puzzles to make small changes to the hub.

The setting is an abandoned sewer that hosts a lab, in which a massive robot and mechanical pieces were being worked on.  This will be most prominent in the hub.

I worked on the depiction of the robot in the level, since it will influence how the rest of the level looks. Here's my process, in the form of a callout sheet (which is better viewed if opened in a new tab):

Above is a mockup of the hub room of Level 2's final zone. It shares a few similarities with Level 1's tileset (the level from my project last semester):

I reused the rectangular highlights from these tiles, but made them darker than the primary color instead. I also use a few of these colors for the robot.  The small console on the mockup is the exact console from Level 1, linking them together.

Above is the escape pod from the end of Level 1. I use the same rectangular accents again, along with purple text on the side. This text is also on the body of the robot, in similar shapes.  Additionally, I make buttons or screws that line the seams of the escape pod, which appear similarly on the robot.

Currently I am working on making the level proper, adding challenges, switches, graphics and the like.  The planning (and tens of sticky notes) will hopefully be seen whenever everything is successfully implemented, so I will talk about process and this stage more when the level is made and more solidified.

Here's a version of just the mockup:

Until next week, where there will hopefully be a playable demo of the level!


Build Prototype V1.zip 10 MB
Mar 02, 2023

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